Thursday, January 15, 2009

long day...

so tuesday morning, ceb called me AFTER i arrived at work and said she was having horrible pain on the right side of her stomach near her belly button plus she was really nauseous. i tend to think worst case scenario, something i seem to have inherited from my mom, so my first thoughts were appendicitis and surgery. then complete panic and guilt set in.

i called her doctors office and they asked me a bunch of questions which i mostly couldn't answer since i was at work (see where the guilt comes in) and ceb was at home. they made an appointment for her to be seen MUCH later than i thought they should and said she couldn't eat or drink anything. we went in did some tests and were reassured by her doctor (who i LOVE) that he didn't think she had appendicitis, but she may have a ruptured ovarian cyst. so then we went off to swedish downtown for an ultrasound. and she still couldn't eat or drink anything. we were not told that they were working us in or that we would be waiting an hour before she was seen OR that her ultrasound was scheduled for 2 hours. but we got through it with minimal grumpiness on my part and MUCH discomfort on cebs. basically when we finally finished around 5:30pm we were sent home with no diagnosis or resolution and one super hungry girl who was still in a lot of pain. her doctor called us about 7pm to reassure us that they saw NOTHING on the ultrasound. they were unable to see her appendix, which is normal when it's not inflamed. they were also not really able to see her ovary but they did see fluid around the area where it should be so they THOUGHT she probably had a ruptured ovarian cyst. so no REAL diagnosis, but a probable one. we decided to take that along with the advice from her doctor for ceb to get rest, take some tylenol and call him if it got worse...thankfully she is continuing to get better.


Jaime said...

I'm so glad it wasn't more serious, not that an ovarian cyst isn't serious, but you know what I mean. What a huge ordeal and a very long day.

Shannon said...

How scary - for Ceb and for you. I am glad she is on the mend. Did they tell you if it is something that can recur?
And she gets the super trouper award for letting you take her picture at the doctor's office. :)

kelly said...

how did i miss this post?!
i am glad cebby's doing better.
but that sounds like it was pretty painful and i'm sure SO scary for you both!

Unknown said...

not fun at all. i hate going to the doctors and waiting to find out what is wrong. glad she is doing better.