Saturday, December 27, 2008

snow & christmas morning...

i am getting pretty tired of the snow. but i must say it's beautiful as long as i am inside a warm place such as my home or even the car with jas driving. snow coming down christmas day felt magical and lovely. who hasn't dreamt of a white christmas right? i enjoyed it being around for a short while, but now i am ready for it to be gone.
christmas morning at our house was small (well smaller) this year. the girls had chosen to give their money from my parents to homeless children and i think that helped them to appreciate all they have even more.i hope your christmas was as wonderful and filled with family and love as ours was.


Shannon said...

I love your snow collage, and what a wonderful idea to share Christmas with kids less fortunate. I'll bet your "smaller" Christmas swelled your hearts to bursting!

kelly said...

love the collages!
glad your christmas was good.
and what sweet girls you have...