Friday, December 26, 2008

365 anyone?

so i am ALMOST done with my 365+1 project and have decided to do it again for 2009. kial and my friend ally are going to join me. is anyone else interested?

i have to say this has been a GREAT project for me. i can look back at all my pictures from this year and see how it has progressed. yes, there were times it got trying and YES i should have avoided taking starbucks pictures weekly. but i love looking back on it and i am excited to do it again.

this past month i have had a theme to work with. i made sure every picture i took represented something i was thankful for. for me, the theme made it more personal and more fun. after talking with ally we thought that might be something to incorporate in the group...but not required, it's only if you wanted to do it. we would change the theme monthly and allow everyone to make suggestions.

for 2008 i formatted and printed all my pictures in 4x6 size and used the american crafts modern album to hold it all together. since i still haven't decided how to embellish the outside i am going with something more basic for 2009...the we r memory keepers 12x12 black classic leather album.
i am going to stick with the same we r memory keepers page protectors the next time around. they have worked well.
i have created a private family friendly flickr group room where we can post our photos and view others from the group. if you haven't used flickr before let me assure you that it's super easy AND will allow you to keep your photos as private as you'd like. for the group i chose to make it private, invite only so that just members or invited friends can view our photos.

so now all you need to do is let me know if you are interested. i will send you a link that will "invite" you to join and we can start sharing in 2009.


Shannon said...

Oh, fun, count me in! I have coveted your 365 project all year, but as I am bordering on comp illiteracy, didn't know how to start.
And for the record, I LOVED your Starbuck's pics! And the "Monday" lyrics you usually posted with them!
This should help wash away those post Christmas blues....

Carlanna said...

I'll give it a shot, but I need to figure out how to journal, since I don't have photoshop.

gina said...

YEAH!!! i am so excited about this.
shannon email me at and i will send you the official invite.
carlanna, i may be able to help you with the photoshop issue.

kelly said...

count me in!
you have totally inspired me this year!

Carlanna said...

I can get started using anyways... I'll give that a shot.