Wednesday, February 11, 2009

a perfect snow day...

that's what tuesday was. i loved waking up and seeing the world painted white.
i also loved that it wasn't so much snow that it affected the commute in to work AND that it was pretty much gone by the end of the day.

snow can't get much better than my opionion!

now i am ready for some warmer weather. i'll even take 50 degrees...

i guess i shouldn't complain since jas is headed to chicago on sunday for 3 weeks and it's supposed to be really cold there starting on sunday. and he gets to be outside a lot..lucky him.


Unknown said...

by this time of year I don't appreciate snow at all. i just want it GONE. of course it has been around here since december.. . .glad you can appreciate it a little. . . .

Jaime said...

i am with you, at least this time around, having it just for the day was perfect. We got ours yesterday too, and it was beautiful.

Um, is your counter right for your disney trip? it's showing it's a year away. I thought it was happening in the summer or something.

gina said...

yep the counter is correct for disney. we will be flying from seattle on 2-11-2010 and stepping into DW on 2-12-2010! it's going to be perfect!

Shannon said...

Glad you enjoyed your snow - ours is still falling, and I am thinking about how much I would enjoy a blue sky and a warm breeze. But I have to agree; it is always beautiful.