Thursday, July 3, 2008

i was spoiled rotten...

i had a whole extended weekend of fun, friends and happiness. from friday to monday i was spoiled in some wonderful way. how lucky am i to have such great freinds and a great hubby!
i guess my brother can stuff it with his comment about why even celebrate when your so close to 40! yep, he really said that, but in a funny teasing way because he's the BABY!

the girls just came back from montana and now they are headed to the church ranch to camp. jas and i will join them for the day tomorrow to celebrate the 4th, but in the meantime we will be seeing hancock tonight! i hope it's good, i LOVE will smith!

have a wonderful and safe 4th!


Shannon said...

Happy Birthday, Gina! It looks like you had a wonderful weekend. I am jealous - in a good, happy for you, way. :)
Happy 4th to you, too!

kelly said...

who's a lucky girl?
actually, we're all SO lucky to know you! you're such a fun, generous, sweet friend!
love u!

kelly said...

how did you like hancock? we saw it this weekend too and thought it was okay. it was a little nasty and seemed to fall apart at the end, IMO.

Jaime said...

happy belated birthday gina. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.