jason has a nasty flu/cold thing, which he has evilly passed on to me, but luckily it held off until we got home from disneyland.
disneyland was fun, as usual, though we did actually miss the girls. we enjoyed being mellow and taking our time and just soaking in the atmosphere. i went on all the rides with jas EXCEPT for tower of terror. i hate that ride and just couldn't force myself to go on it with him. i did go on the maliboomer for the 1st time and found it somewhat enjoyable...after the 1st moments of screaming terror that is.
my anniversary surprise for jas was the segway tour they are now doing at california adventure. it was REALLY fun. i would love it if they added an advanced one for those of us who have done the basic one. yep, we were white & nerdy and PROUD of it.

whenever i leave disneyland i find myself still craving more...i guess that's a good thing. jas said he plans to work there when he retires. we talked with a really sweet elderly "cast member" who said it's not even a job to him he loves every minute he's there. i wish i'd taken a picture of him, he was really cute and interesting to talk with.
so now we are back to the reality of our everyday lives, work, indoor soccer, volleyball practice & games, play practice and finding excuses NOT to let ceb drive. it's good to be back AND to have time to plan our next trip. if i am lucky i can convince jas to go to disneyworld with me...he's still worried it will ruin the magic of disneyland for him, but i am sure he is wrong.