Wednesday, December 19, 2007

am i the grinch...

i was beginning to worry that i had turned into the grinch. i seriously was lacking in christmas spirit these past few weeks. i am sure it's because jason was gone for most of the month. i know he often travels for work and he's even been gone near christmas before but i think this was different because we got less than a days notice that he was leaving AND we hadn't put up our holiday decorations or our tree before he left. it helped doing some of our usual things, like decorating cookies with amy, rach and their families and watching the girls make their gingerbread houses. but i completely found my christmas spirit when i found out YESTERDAY that jas would be home today. i probably should be cleaning and making the house nice for him instead of blogging, but hey when you feel it you've got to let it out!

happy holidays!


Jaime said...

What a great post! Love the scrap page, you always make terrific ones. I'm glad Jas will be home, and in plenty of time to enjoy the pre-christmas spirit. Merry Christmas!

kelly said...

that would be SO hard to be in the spirit when your hubby is gone.
christmas is ALL about family!
glad you found it...