Saturday, June 21, 2008

race for the cure...

today kiki and i walked the 5k co-ed walk in the race for the cure. it was pretty amazing to see the huge number of people walking with us and even more amazing to see the courageous women walking in the pink survivor t-shirts. i've been pretty lucky in my life to not have been affected by anyone i am close to being diagnosed with breast cancer. but i have been very touched by many stories i have heard from survivors. and deeply saddened by stories of others who were not so lucky. my hope is that they will find a cure for breast cancer and it will never be something to touch the lives of my children, family or friends in the near future.

on a side note, during the walk i realized how seriously out of shape i have gotten (i was SURE i was going to faint from exhaustion) and will be rectifying that so that i survive hawaii in november.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

i swear i will get better about posting...

i am making a goal to post once a week no matter how boring my life is. hopefully i can follow through on that.

here's a little peek at what our last week has entailed.

1st my parents got a trampoline. yes, i know half of america has a trampoline, but i haven't been on one since back in high school (seriously a LONG time ago) when i would occasionaly jump on the lee's. i had completely forgotten how much fun it is. jas was pretty shocked that i even got on it since i guess he views me as a stick in the mud.

then kial accidently broke my little panasonic lumix camera. i was finally completely comfortable with it and it's picture taking abilities and then it was gone. SO jas bought me a new camera for my early birthday present. after much reading and comparing and deciding what i wanted most in a little point and shoot camera i decided on the canon powershot sd1100 is. it's not the fanciest one out there but i loved the tiny size and the options it did have and i think it will be a great replacement for my little lumix. plus, they had it in brown!

next we had kial's 13th birthday party; cosmic bowling at spin alley. kial invited a bunch of friends and all but 2 of them bailed on her. she learned a great lesson's nice to have only a few friends around because then you can actually enjoy just hanging out with them. she also said she was really glad she could have her cousins come because they really had a great time. if her friends came we would not have been able to include them.

yesterday we celebrated kial's real birthday with the dinner of her choice...burgers at red robin. she loves red robin because she can get a yummy boca burger, bottomless fries and a delicious freckled lemonade.

and today we went completely insane and got another dog. his name is otis and he's a 3 year old toy poodle. he needed a new home because a bigger dog at his current residence did not like him. we have been talking for a while now about getting a "friend" for george, but it had to be hypoallergenic so i didn't die. well, in one day we were told about 2 dogs that both fit the bill. the first one ended up being kind of a scam but otis was legit.
hopefully, he will adjust well with our family and especially with george.

well, i am signing off until next week.
take care